The acronym ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, and encompasses a series of assessment factors used in the financial sector to measure the sustainability of investments, so as to achieve a more comprehensive evaluation of a company, going beyond merely financial results. Indeed, today it is more and more common that the assessment of an investment (i.e., the risk and return profiles of a portfolio) also takes into account the performance of a company against specific ESG criteria.
As we witness disasters caused by man’s influence on the planet almost daily, concern for the environment has become a topic of great interest, and rightly so.
Similarly, the social commitment and governance of a company mirror its attitude and integrate profit with ethical sensitivity, which should become part of the very DNA of corporate strategies. Unfortunately, today greenwashing is an extremely popular and widespread practice as, with its misleading claims, it can make a company look more appealing.
Since 2006, HR has been one of the first companies in the world to join the United Nations Global Compact and to embrace its philosophy.

In addition, we consider
as fundamental our principles:
our policy is to hire recently graduates and PhD graduates, taking care of their growth inside our company following a strict training process;
the female component is absolutely predominant in our company, even at Management level;
our company growth strategy exclusively favours merit.